Quantitative Research at Basis

Unleash the Power of Quantitative Research


Quantitative research is the foundation for robust insight validation and strategic decision-making. At Basis, we take pride in delivering best-in-class quantitative research solutions. We’re well-versed in applying methodological expertise to complex business challenges, and we’ve got a track record of doing so across sectors – from telecoms, tech, and digital media to retail, consumer and finance.

Our experience in implementing both ad-hoc and tracking research – including segmentation, innovation, pricing, brand and communications strategy, customer experience and loyalty – puts us at the forefront of commercial intelligence.


Key Benefits of Quant with Basis



Bespoke Research Design

At Basis, we don’t believe in generic, one-size-fits-all solutions. Every project kicks off with a fresh perspective and a blank sheet of paper, allowing us to tailor our approach to your brief. Our senior leadership leads the daily execution, ensuring quality in everything we deliver.


In-House Operations

With everything we need under one roof, we offer superior data management and quality standards. Furthermore, our in-house operations allow for seamless, rapid project execution.


Quantitative Expertise

Our team is made up of quantitative research veterans with deep methodological expertise. They know what it takes to deliver robust, strategic insights to your business.



Advanced Analytics

Our quantitative work integrates an array of statistical techniques such as Conjoint, TURF, clustering, and regression. The choice of technique is carefully curated to align with your business brief.


Data Fusion

Our skills in data integration allows for better synthesis and more coherent, unified story-telling, bringing together multiple datasets seamlessly.


Modelling and Forecasting

We skillfully incorporate survey data with other commercial datasets to create realistic models and forecasts that help you see into the future and act accordingly.


Strategic Consultancy

At Basis, we believe in going beyond the numbers, interrogating and interpreting data to provide commercial implications and action plans tailored to your business needs.


We boast a diverse array of cutting-edge quantitative solutions designed to help our clients navigate through the most complex of challenges.


Our Quantitative Research Approach

At Basis, our quantitative research approach encompasses the following key aspects:

Online Surveys

Utilizing access panels, customer databases, and robust digital platforms to gather comprehensive data swiftly and efficiently.

Phone/Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)

Bridging the gap between businesses and their audience by fostering robust interpersonal communication.

Personal/Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI)

Leveraging face-to-face interactions for in-depth insights and enhanced data acquisition.


With audiences across the globe, whether your focus is on business decision-makers in the United States or consumers in South-East Asia, engaging these audiences is more than just a numbers game. It requires careful calibration and interpretation of data within the proper cultural context to ensure accuracy and relevance.

Ultimately, we’re dedicated to delivering high-quality quantitative research that actually helps your business. We believe attention to detail and methodological expertise are absolutely essential precursors to actionable insights and commercial guidance. And we apply bespoke research design and rigorous execution to deliver it – every time.


To unlock more dynamic, meaningful quantitative research with Basis, get in touch with our Quantitative Research Team by filling the form below.